The Best Hurricane Hideout

It’s a common misconception that evacuation is always necessary in order to stay safe in the middle of the hurricane. Typically, even those who live in an evacuation zone are told just to evacuate a few miles inland, instead of a few hundreds of miles. During Hurricane Irma, the mass migration of millions of people – even those who didn’t live in an evacuation zone – clogged up the major interstates heading out of Florida, used up resources such as gasoline, and made it harder for those providing necessary services to come into the state.

While “heading for the hills” may seem like a good idea, it in no way guarantees your safety or comfort in a storm. The storm could change direction, as it did with Irma, and areas that were previously considered safe can suddenly be in the eye of the storm. Those that had evacuated from Florida’s east coast to the west coast became stuck, and experienced harsher conditions than if they had sheltered closer to home.

With all this in mind, where is the best place to be in the middle of a hurricane?

The Necessities for Staying Safe in a Hurricane

Look for a place that is out of a mandatory evacuation zone. Remember, if you are told to evacuate, do so immediately. Even then, however, you don’t usually have to go too far to remain safe. In recent years, many buildings in states like Florida have been built to a strict standard that can withstand even the toughest of storms. Wherever you choose to ride out the storm, make sure it is sturdy, with concrete block walls, a solid roof, doors and windows, and not in an area prone to flooding.

Now that we have the basics down, what are some ways you can make sure you stay comfortable and maybe even have some fun in the middle of a hurricane?