Is Hurricane Protection Necessary?

Rather than providing an opinion for the answer of the question above regarding hurricane protection like wind abatement systems or storm shutters, let’s touch on a couple aspects of this decision to allow you to form an answer unique to your situation.
First and most obviously, hurricanes are extremely powerful. Hurricanes have historically caused unimaginable damage and loss. Even the lowest grade hurricanes have extremely high winds and flood waters that put your assets in danger. While many assume that insurance will handle the brunt of that blow, the overwhelming amounts of claims during hurricane season tend to substantially increase response times and claim fulfillment.
Furthermore, with the loss of replaceable things like TV’s and stereos comes the loss of irreplaceable mementos. Wind and water are not privy to your emotional attachment to things you keep in your home or business. Without hurricane protection on your home or business in the form of storm shutters or some sort of impact device or wind abatement system, you are at risk of losing the things you hold dear.
Let’s talk about another form of loss – time. The old saying “time is money” rings true in this situation especially in the case of business. The time that you are unable to operate your business due to hurricane damage is business not being done and income not being made. Even in the case of a house, without proper hurricane protection, you could increase the time you are unable to stay in your home substantially, causing lengthy, expensive hotel stays and further complicating your claim process.
While many think they are protecting their homes with plywood nailed over windows and doors, in some cases, the use of plywood as hurricane protection on windows is illegal and ineffective. According to the International Hurricane Protection Association, plywood coverage is ineffective, does not meet insurance standards and is a danger to people and assets if it detaches and becomes a flying object.
Not to mention, if a storm quickly turns toward where you live, you may not have the time or resources to ‘equip’ your home with storm protection. On the other hand, with pre-installed impact devices such as wind abatement systems or storm shutters, you can quickly deploy the system and go forward with your hurricane safety plan. This allows home and business owners to have peace of mind for their home or business while making their personal safety their first priority.
What other reasons do you have for needing storm protection for your home or business?

Image courtesy of mrpuen /