Global Weather Oscillations Incorporated (GWO) is a company that specializes in predicting typhoon, hurricane, and storm occurrences in 11 US zones and select areas across the globe. At present, they have a pending patent for “Climate Pulse Technology” (CPT) – an accurate analysis of the planet’s natural climate pulse cycles. According to GWO, the planet has a Primary Force Mechanism which their researchers can study to predict when the next hurricane will happen. Clear examples of the accuracy of their research were when they predicted Hurricane Irene, Super Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Hermine, and Hurricane Matthew. You may recall that Hurricane Matthew led to the loss of over 1,700 lives and became the second costliest hurricane of the last 11 years.
What GWO is Saying for 2017
GWO has released their forecast for the 2017 hurricane season for the Atlantic Basin and it will be worse than that of 2016 with about six storms making landfall, three of which will be hurricanes. For the entire year, the country will have around 16 storms, 8 hurricanes, and 4 major hurricanes. Two of the main reasons for the development of hurricanes this year are the La Nina conditions and the warmer ocean water temperatures.
What You Can Do Now
With the hurricane season officially starting in June, you have a lot of time to prepare your family, home and properties from possible damage or loss. This is important because:

  • According to the American Psychological Association, the trauma after experiencing a natural disaster include nausea, headaches, strained relationships, chest pains, insomnia, fear, emotional distress, and disrupted sleeping and eating patterns.
  • According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), those most affected by the aftermath of a hurricane are children and seniors who fear another hurricane and also those who have an emotional imbalance.
  • Science Daily recently reported that there are still many people who continue to suffer because of their personal experience with Hurricane Katrina.  It’s been six years since that terrible tragedy and the number of heart attacks in New Orleans is still three times higher than before the storm.

Having a safe and protected home can help ease the stress from a storm. Your home is a haven for your family – and even if the wind is howling and the rain is beating hard, your family will have a lower chance of suffering from emotional trauma and stress when they know and feel they are safe.
You can do a lot to enhance your home’s sturdiness and ability to withstand storms by:

  • Using reinforced glass and Armor Screen products
  • Investing in a hurricane system like the Buckle and Strap or the general weather control system